Our community continues to face challenging times as cases of COVID-19 remain on steady increase.
Despite the fact that the college is exempt from County Judge Samaniego’s Stay Home/Stay Safe Order extended on November 12th, out of an abundance of caution, we will continue to take some actions to ensure the well-being of our students, faculty and staff.
For the fall semester, EPCC has transitioned the majority of courses online and those courses will continue as scheduled.

So that students can fulfill course requirements and not experience delays on their paths to graduation, courses with face to face components that are unable to transition online may resume with strict safety protocols in place.
Students should communicate with their professors for more information and course updates. Access to EPCC campuses and facilities will continue to be limited to essential employees and essential face to face classes until the County Order is lifted.
If employees need to go on-site, please communicate with your supervisor and submit the Facility Access Report.
Because of the impact of the pandemic on our region coupled with the coming drop deadline, many students may be struggling with whether or not to drop their course(s).
Be advised that EPCC has moved the drop date to December 7th in order to provide students additional time to decide and an increased opportunity to complete their courses.
Please do what you can to slow the spread of COVID-19 in our community.
Continue to abide by the curfew and other guidelines outlined in the Stay Home/Stay Safe Order.
Please do everything possible to mitigate spread by washing your hands, wearing masks, staying home when sick, social distancing and avoiding in-person contact with individuals outside of your household.
There are various testing sites throughout the city, including at EPCC’s Valle Verde Campus. If you think you have been exposed, get tested and stay away from others.
Together, we can help one another stay healthy and improve the situation in our community.
Stay EPCCstrong!
William Serrata, Ph.D.