Message from the President
October 28, 2020
Dear EPCC Community,
Our community is facing challenging times as the cases of COVID-19 continues to exponentially increase in our community.
Photo courtesy EPCC website
Last night, EPCC’s Board of Trustees met and understand our collective role of stopping the spread in our community.
Despite the fact that the college is exempt from County Judge Samaniego’s Stay Home/Stay Safe Order issued on October 25th, out of an abundance of caution, we will be taking some actions to ensure the well-being of our students, faculty and staff.
Given the current surge of COVID-19 in our community, we will be suspending courses meeting in-person on campus (face-to-face) for the next two weeks.
Classes meeting online will continue as scheduled.
Students should communicate with their professors for more information and to address any questions.
Access to EPCC campuses and facilities will also be restricted to essential employees only for the next two weeks.
We also encourage all of our students and employees to follow the curfew and other guidelines outlined in the Stay Home/Stay Safe Order.
Please continue to mitigate spread by washing your hands, wearing masks, staying home when sick, social distancing and avoiding in-person contact with individuals outside of your household.
Each of us can act and make a difference.
Please stay home to stay safe and do what you can to slow the spread of this virus in our community.
If you think you have been exposed, get tested and stay away from others.
Together, we can flatten the curve and lessen the spread in our community.
We are EPCCstrong!
William Serrata, Ph.D.
EPCC President