My editorials during this semester have had to do with politics and questioning authority, but I wanted to do something different to close out the semester.
I want to talk about people becoming their best selves.
I went into the pandemic very frustrated.
I’m graduating EPCC this week and I had trips planned and I had out-of-state competitions happening and I was excited.
And then in one day, all those plans were scrapped.
But early on I realized that this pandemic was most likely going to last months and I had two options.
I could wallow in self pity for two months and do the bare minimum required of me in class.
Or I could stop complaining, and just do.
I wanted to come out of this pandemic the best me that I could be in two months.
I started journaling on a daily basis, got on a regular workout routine, and set up goal periods so that I could stay productive on a daily basis.
I’m very happy to report that I’m in a very good place right now.
I finished the semester with all A’s and held down three jobs at the same time.
This wasn’t because I’m special in any way. It was because I just did stuff.
My favorite quote of all time is one by Ayn Rand, “All you have to do is look straight and see the road, and when you see it, don’t sit looking at it. Walk.”
Putting yourself together and developing habits are not easy.
It takes a lot of willpower to tell yourself that tomorrow is not a viable option to do something.
It is not something that everyone is in the right headspace to do (at the moment).
But I do encourage everyone reading to at least try and get yourself together.
Everyone has been living off the momentum of the day-to-day world for years.
And now that they don’t have work or in-person classes to keep them accountable, they stop performing.
The best thing to do for yourself is learn how to build your own momentum.
Being in a bad situation that’s out of your control doesn’t feel good.
But it’s made worse by a magnitude when you don’t possess the mental fortitude to get through it.
There are a lot of problems in our society, but I think the root problem that hurts the most is the lack of individual responsibility.
People tend to blame others and sometimes they act out in violent ways because they see a certain group as being at fault for their personal hardships.
If more people realized that as individuals, you can’t control every situation and you just have to work your way out of things with what you have, the world would be a more peaceful place.
You can’t change the world if you are a mess of a person.
You can’t control that there’s a pandemic going on, but you can control keeping your immune system in check (obviously for the non-immuno-compromised).
You can do that by staying healthy and exercising and being in a good mind set.
Essentially, I just want to finish off the semester by saying, no one can help you but yourself, so treat yourself right and be the best you.